This section of our website was created as a result of our fight against unfair laws and government corruption in the form of redevelopment/eminent domain misuse.
We want you to be informed about the laws to have the tools and information to protect yourself in any situation, so we opened our law center online.
I have done lots of research and the results of my research will be added as time allows. Links without descriptions will be described ASAP. Please email us if a link does not work.
Valarie Stewart Knight, WebWeaver
According to Time Magazine "Two years after Congress reduced welfare for individuals and families, this other kind of welfare continues to expand, penetrating every corner of the American economy. It has turned politicians into bribery specialists, and smart business people into con artists. And most surprising of all, it has rarely created any new jobs."
Here is TIME MAGAZINE'S entire 4-part series on Corporate Welfare. Read it online or download the entire series.
Be on the alert! Watch out for logical fallacies in the newspapers and for statements made by people in power who don't REALLY have YOUR best interests in mind.
CLICK HERE for Mission Critical (at San Jose College) an interactive college-level Virtual Lab that teaches the basic concepts of critical thinking and informal logic, such as induction, deduction and fallacies. Evaluate and fine-tune your critical thinking skills.
Watch for the growth of this critical thinking section -- I will soon add other links which will sharpen your evaluative skills and help you watch out for logical fallacies in the things that you read and hear.
CLICK the banner. Voted the most useful legal site in a recent USA TODAY POLL, "freeadvice" has 100 legal topics for Law, Legal Advice and Free Information. Click on any topic and learn your legal rights, Find a lawyer or attorney. For information that can be used to fight redevelopment abuses, read the Environmental Law section.
The above link is from the Cornell Law School Legal Information Institite A great site for research.
Click here for the 'Lecrtic Law Library A valuable collection of legal resources.
Click here for the 'Lecrtic Law Dictionary Welcome to what many consider the Net's Best Law Dictionary with Thousands of Definitions & Explanations of Legal Terms, Phrases & Concepts...Look up legal terms here.
Take a look.
Visit Vessus Law Winner of several "Best of the Web" awards, including NetGuide Live’s five-star platinum site (its highest rating), VersusLaw is the only legal research service on the Web that provides access at one location to appellate-level opinions from all 50 states, all Federal circuits, and the U.S. Supreme Court. VersusLaw’s archival library goes back to 1950 in a majority of jurisdictions and back to 1900 for its U.S. Supreme Court cases.
Click here for Special Procedural Requirements in Litigation under the California Environmental Quality Act, by James G. Moose, and other articles, from the California State Bar Association's website. There's a link at the top of their page to the Home Page of their Environmental Law Section.
Click here to access the State Bar of California Website
The Practicing Attorney's Home Page provides links to many important resources for research purposes. I noticed a public records search link and more...
FINDLAW CALIFORNIA California case law, Supreme Court and Appellate court, California cases, California Codes, Rules, Federal section, and more..
ROMINGER LEGAL Legal Resources, Federal Links, Professional Directories, State Legal Resources, Legal resources, News Online, and more... It even has the Blue Book...
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Click here Additional Radio and TV talk show, and other media links are included on the Constitution Society website.
ENVIROLINK: CLICK here to research YOUR POLITICIANS:Campaign Contribution and Voting Records
Campaign Contributions by zipcode. The non-partisan Federal candidatecampaign money page."Knowledge is more than equivalent to force." Samuel Johnson: Rasselas, chap. xiii. Find Individual Contributors by Zip Code PageType in a 5 digit zip code and find everyone from that geographic area who has contributed to Federal campaign committees during the 1995-96 election cycle.
The non-partisan Federal candidatecampaign money page.FECInfo is a public service from Public Disclosure, Inc. *** A place to discover who gave what to which Federal candidates when...***New: Public Disclosure's Soft Money Report - Issued October 15, 1998!
Coin-op CongressMOTHER JONES 400 top Campaign contributors. This list, covering the 1995-96 election cycle, provides clues to future campaign scandals. With gifts to the political parties virtually unregulated, huge donations have become outrageously common. The current rankings are based on such "soft money" gifts as well as contributions to federal candidates and political action committees. They do not include money spent on the renting of lobbyists or the fueling of sophisticated public relations campaigns through so-called independent expenditures.