PALS has been created in order to:
- Educate the public about a kind of corporate welfare perpetuated by various political figures, government agencies and their supporters; actions which divest private property owners and tenants of their land (and sometimes their businesses) under color of law. Often the goal is to amass contiguous properties into large valuable parcels of land which are then given to well-connected private individuals and private companies or to large corporations who are then given tax-breaks and other corporate welfare incentives.
- Explain the methods (such as the promise of jobs, when they are often destroying independent small businesses that may have served their communities for decades) that are used to gain a foothold into your communities and which make ordinary decent citizens innocently buy into their programs and believe their propaganda.
- Provide case histories of land-owners, small business owners, and tenants who have contacted us.
Most of the people who have contacted us and submitted their stories complain that they are undergoing frightening assaults from the very government that is SUPPOSED to WORK FOR US AND TO PROTECT US. Although they are decent citizens who tried to comply, some say that they have been falsely criminalized and subjected to extortion, false prosecution, harrassment, intimidation and fraud, by Housing Department inspectors, CRA policies, and the courts. We will include testimonies of inspectors and whistle-blowers who know first-hand just how this is done and which will substiantiate the unbelievable accounts of those who have lost property or who have been treated badly by tax-supported entities. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, they use OUR money to remove us or our neighbors from our neighborhoods and/or to benefit those who live outside our neighborhoods by giving them our property and forcing us out.Often loans and perks are given to outsiders, not to the people who live or who already provide services in the area.
You will be meeting people who have been victimized by these deals, many of whom have been financially, emotionally and spiritually ruined in the process. Some have been jailed, many others fined thousands of dollars and all have had their inalienable rights to Constitutional protections severely violated. And all of these assaults on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have taken place in the shadows
out of the public eye by design and manipulation by those in positions of power.
Read the testimonies of building inspectors and from some of the people who are fighting the unethical actions such as the actions that the inspector describes. Click for testimonies
We Will Also
Provide examples from all over the United States of people who have successfully fought against such policies and won.Use these examples to take non-violent and lawful
action to stop these officials from continuing these actions, and Recover assets that have been illegally taken from their rightful owners as well as to recover compensation for the extreme emotional distress that accompanies such severe violation of our basic rights.
Click here for Success Stories (Another window will open, close it when you have finished reading)